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SECTION I: Contract Details and Statement of Work
RFP posted and Blackout Period begins:
Deadline to receive written inquiries:
Deadline to answer written inquiries:
Proposal Opening Date (Proposal Submission Deadline):
Oral discussions with Proposers, if applicable:
Best and Final Offer with Proposers, if applicable:
Notice of Intent to Award to be issued:
Contract Initiation:
NOTE: The AGENCY reserves the right to revise this schedule. Revisions before the Proposal Submission Deadline, if any, will be formalized by the issuance of an addendum to the RFP. Revisions after the Proposal Submission Deadline, if any, will be by written notification to the eligible Proposers.
Contract Type
This is an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), firm fixed priced (FFP) contract subject to task order assignments. Time & Materials (T&M) task orders may be also issued under this contract when conditions warrant their issuance. The Contracting Officer will determine task order type on a case-by-case basis. Services will be defined and priced through individual task orders. In the performance of task orders, the Contractor shall use firm fixed hourly rates for labor categories in accordance with Clause 1.3 (Fully Burdened Labor Rate Schedule and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) for Base and Option Periods) below in their cost proposals. Cost reimbursement material expenses associated with efforts under the materials contract line item number(s) (CLINs) must be supported by an invoice. Contractor-furnished domestic travel required in support of CLINs will be reimbursed at actual cost, in accordance with Federal Travel Regulations (FTRs) and supported by invoice. Per diems will be reimbursed, as appropriate, in accordance with the General Services Administration's (GSA) per diem rates. No fee or profit will be paid on reimbursements for travel and per diems. In the performance of task orders designated as T&M, the Contractor shall propose a total cost estimate using loaded labor rates agreed to in the contract and other direct costs on an actual cost basis.
Period of Performance
The period of performance for this contract is a base period of 12 months and includes all options as follows:
Base Period:
Option Period 1:
Option Period 2:
Option Period 3:
Option Period 4:
Fully Burdened Labor Rate Schedule and Other Direct Costs (ODCs) for Base and Option Periods
The offeror shall propose fully-loaded hourly rates for all personnel potentially assigned to tasks under this contract. Each offeror's rates will depend on how personnel and positions are classified within each offeror's human resources structure or classification system. The offeror’s proposed staff should reflect the years and type of experience as specified below.
Staff Qualification - Resource 1:
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Staff Qualification - Resource 2 :
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Staff Qualification - Resource 3 :
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Staff Qualification - Resource 4 :
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Staff Qualification - Resource 5 :
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Staff Qualification - Resource 6 :
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Staff Qualification - Resource 7 :
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Staff Qualification - Resource 8 :
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Staff Qualification - Resource 9:
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Staff Qualification - Resource 10:
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Staff Qualifications - Resource 11:
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The fully burdened labor rate schedule and ODCs pricing tables below should be included in the offeror’s business management and cost/price proposal. These tables may be “recreated” for inclusion in proposals, but must replicate the exact content of the pricing tables below.
Base Year - Period of Performance:
Cost - Base Year:
Unit Price/Rate
Option Year One (1) - Period of Performance:
Cost - Option Year One:
Unit Price/Rate
Option Year Two (2) - Period of Performance:
Cost - Option Year Two (2):
Unit Price/Rate
Option Year Three (3) - Period of Performance:
Cost - Option Year Three (3):
Unit Price/Rate
Option Year Four (4) - Period of Performance:
Cost - Option Year Four (4) :
Unit Price/Rate
AGENCY seeks to identify and contract with one or more organizations, which together possess the skills and knowledge to complete the range of identified project types on a wide variety of topics the AGENCY addresses. Offerors may demonstrate competence in one, several, or all of the categories referenced in Clause 2.5 (Discussion of Project Types and Tasks) below.
The statement of work (SOW) describes the types of projects for which AGENCY seeks assistance from qualified contractors under this contract. The contract will provide AGENCY with an expeditious and flexible mechanism for undertaking short and long term defined projects on a potentially wide range of topics to further AGENCY's strategic initiatives.
AGENCY's goal is to assemble a group of Contractors possessing complementary knowledge and skill sets to facilitate AGENCY access to a range of expertise commensurate with the array of issues that the AGENCY must address. AGENCY does not seek to limit the Contractors chosen as a result of this solicitation to a predetermined number.
AGENCY will invite entities to bid on and complete specific tasks based upon the types of tasks identified in offerors’ responses to this IDIQ as well as the qualifications of the individual(s) included in the task order proposals. Offerors should clearly indicate which of the project types and tasks described in section 2.5 they seek consideration for in their IDIQ proposal and document their expertise in these areas through proposed staff and corporate experience.
For purposes of qualifying for the IDIQ award, only qualifications of the prime bidding organization and its staff will be considered In other words, qualifications of subcontractors bid in this overall IDIQ proposal will not be considered in scoring, because AGENCY’s contractual relationship is only with the prime contractor. Once awarded an IDIQ contract, however, organizations may subcontract with organizations of their choosing (including other prime contractors on this IDIQ) for specific tasks to strengthen their team for specific tasks, subject to AGENCY approval. In these specific task proposals, qualifications of the full team, including subcontractors, will be considered in scoring.
Agency Background:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
All proposals must demonstrate sufficient understanding of the role of AGENCY and the political and regulatory context in which it operates. Based upon the types of projects in which the offeror has identified an interest, proposals must demonstrate that the offeror has the requisite substantive knowledge, technical capacity, and experience to complete such projects and corresponding tasks. Substantive knowledge and technical expertise can be in any or all areas relating to AGENCY policy, including understanding state programs and state operations, having experience at both the federal and state levels, and experience working with both executive and legislative agencies and offices.
Description of Services
Where quantitative skills are necessary (e.g., conducting data analysis, sampling for surveys), proposals must demonstrate that ability. Likewise, for projects where qualitative skills are more relevant, (e.g., convening expert panels, arranging site visits) relevant abilities and experience must be demonstrated.
Attachment C contains detailed criteria by which proposals will be judged.
The Contractor(s) under this project shall be able to organize and implement some or all of the listed types of projects, as described in Clause 2.5 (Discussion of Project Types and Tasks) below, on behalf of AGENCY. A description of the AGENCY's objectives related to these types of projects is contained in Clause 2.4 (Objective) below.
The decision to pursue any of the identified project types will be made solely by the AGENCY's staff during the course of the contract. The AGENCY cannot predict its needs far in advance. Accordingly, AGENCY cannot guarantee that each individual and entity awarded a contract under this request for proposal (RFP) will in fact be chosen to complete a project under the contract. Contractors for specific tasks will be selected based on the type of project at hand and the Contractor's demonstrated expertise. IDIQ contractors selected to compete for a task will submit a technical and business proposal and tasks will be awarded based on AGENCY review of the competitors’ proposals. A Contractor may refuse a task (or not bid on that task order proposal) if it is unavailable to complete the tasks within the required time frame.
Several tasks have had the capability of adding funds for additional related tasks (e.g., a task order to compute data from national surveys that is modified to produce additional data runs as needed). All tasks have required multiple staff members on the teams that conduct the work. Many IDIQ contractors have used subcontractors to fulfill specific task orders.
Discussion of Project Types and Tasks
The offer must demonstrate expertise and experience in one or more of the following areas. Offerors will not be penalized for demonstrating expertise and experience in only a subset of defined areas, nor will extra consideration be given to offerors who demonstrate expertise and experience.
Convening/soliciting information from experts/stakeholders. Offerors may demonstrate capabilities and expertise in conducting qualitative research, including but not limited to site visits, structured interviews, and expert roundtables.
Environmental scans/information syntheses. Offerors may demonstrate capabilities and expertise in conducting literature reviews, catalogues or landscapes of AGENCY policies, initiatives or programs, or particular topics.
Policy and data analyses. Offerors may demonstrate capabilities and expertise in producing reports on policy options using administrative, survey, qualitative and other data sources as well as their knowledge of the history and workings of the policy being examined.
Conducting surveys and analyzing survey and administrative data. Offerors may demonstrate capabilities and expertise in conducting surveys and using survey data to inform AGENCY and other public policy discussions. Offerors may also demonstrate their capabilities and expertise in using AGENCY and other administrative data for policy analyses.
Modeling, actuarial analysis and payment simulations. Offerors may demonstrate capabilities in actuarial modeling of AGENCY policies, simulations of changes in AGENCY policy, or effects of implementing or repealing AGENCY payment or other policies.
Human Resource Management
Personnel Qualifications
Contractors shall provide qualified personnel with all necessary certifications and competencies to perform the requirements as specified in this contract and resulting task orders at the performance start date(s).
Personnel Maintenance
Contractors shall ensure continuation of services during personnel absences due to sickness, leave, and voluntary or involuntary termination from employment such that impact to AGENCY is minimal. When Contractor key personnel have been terminated, leave, or given notice of resignation to the Contractor, a notification shall be communicated to the Contracting Officer within one week of employee notice. Contractors shall provide follow-up documentation within 72 hours, describing the management corrective action taken to ensure task completion and the addition of new staff as appropriate.
The Contractor shall designate the key personnel necessary to the successful performance of work under task order assignments resulting from this contract. The Contractor agrees to assign these persons to the performance of work under the contract and shall not replace or substitute for such personnel without written authorization from the AGENCY Contracting Officer.
Prior to replacing/substituting key personnel performing on task orders under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer within two weeks in advance of the proposed replacement/substitution. Notice shall include written justification for the change and a sufficiently detailed qualification summary/resume of proposed personnel to permit AGENCY’s evaluation and acceptance, as well as fully-loaded hourly rates and labor categories for proposed key personnel.
AGENCY reserves the right to disapprove of any successors to key personnel, both on the overall IDIQ contract and on any task orders issued pursuant to IDIQ contract award.
Financial Management - Cost Controls
Contractors shall demonstrate effectiveness in forecasting, managing, and controlling contract and task order costs. Contractors shall provide total accountability, accuracy, disclosure, control, forecasting, estimating, and overall management of all efforts at the task order level.
Task Order Requirements
General Information
Contractors shall provide services and perform tasks in accordance with separately issued task order assignments as specified therein. Contractors shall not start performance on any requirement until the Contracting Officer issues a task order.
Requests for task order proposals will be prepared by AGENCY and may include a detailed description of the goals to be accomplished and desired outcomes, in the form of a Statement of Work (SOW); security instructions if any; any required AGENCY inputs; expected completion date(s); a list of deliverables; and additional data, as appropriate, to assist the Contractor in understanding the task. For firm fixed price tasks, dollar amounts will be assigned to each deliverable after award.
Changes to task order contents, estimated costs, schedules and deliverables shall be documented by a revision/modification to the task order or sub-task in the same manner as the basic task order. Only the Contracting Officer may authorize changes to any resulting task order awarded under this contract.
Performance Measures
Throughout the life of the contract, the Contractor will be evaluated on the basis of the performance measures delineated in each executed task order. Each task order will include a SOW detailing the services required. There is a 100% Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) for all required services in the SOW on each task order. The Contractor will be evaluated on the performance measures and must meet an AQL to continue services under the contract. All work described in the SOW to be delivered under each task order is subject to final inspection and acceptance by the Contracting Officer and Project Officer.
Potential Remediation for Failure of Contractor to Meet 100% AQL
Contractors will have an opportunity to correct nonconforming services at the expense of the Contractor, within a time period specified by the Project Officer, before AGENCY makes an equitable adjustment to the contract.
AGENCY reserves the right to refuse deliverables or a work product that is deemed to be deficient in one or more areas specified in the above measures.
AGENCY reserves the right to obtain remuneration from the Contractor for work deemed to be unusable as a result of poor quality.
Written acceptance, conditional acceptance, or rejection will be sent to the Contractor via email.
Unsatisfactory Work
Performance by the Contractor to correct defects found by AGENCY as a result of quality review and by the Contractor as a result of quality control shall be at the Contractor’s own expense and without additional reimbursement by AGENCY. Unless otherwise negotiated, the Contractor shall correct or replace all nonconforming services or deliverables no later than the time and date granted by the Project Officer.
Quality Control
The Contractor shall submit for acceptance, along with its proposal, a Quality Control Plan (QCP) governing all potential tasks performed under this contract that contains, at a minimum, the items listed below. If applicable, the QCP should be cross-referenced in future specific task order proposals. The Contracting Officer will inform the Contractor upon notification of contract award of acceptance or required modifications to the plan. The Contractor shall make appropriate modifications and obtain AGENCY acceptance of the plan within 30 calendar days from the date of contract award.
The QCP shall include the following minimum requirements:
A description of the quality control system to cover all major services and deliverables. The description shall include specifics as to the scope of reviews conducted on a scheduled and unscheduled basis, frequency of reviews, and the role/title of quality reviewers.
A description of the methods to be used for identifying and preventing defects in the quality of services performed.
A description of the records to be kept to document quality reviews and corrective or preventative actions taken.
ATTACHMENT A - Federal, State, Local Government Rules and Regulations
ATTACHMENT B - Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors - Single or Multiple Awards
General Instructions
Instruction to Offerors - The following instructions establish the acceptable requirements for the format and content of proposals. Offerors’ special attention is directed to the requirements for technical and business proposals to be submitted in accordance with Sections 3.0 (Technical Proposal Format) and 4.0 (Business Proposal Format and Instructions) of this attachment.
Any resultant contract will include the AGENCY Contract Standard Terms and Conditions applicable to the selected offeror's organization and type of contract awarded.
The proposal shall be in two parts: a) Volume I, Technical Proposal and b) Volume II, Business Management and Cost/Price Proposal. Each of these parts shall be separate and complete in itself so that evaluation of one may be accomplished independently of, and concurrently with, evaluation of the other. The technical proposal shall not contain reference to costs; however, resource information such as data concerning labor hours and categories, materials, subcontracts, etc., shall be contained in the technical proposal so that the offeror's understanding of Clause 2.0 (Performance Work Statement) may be evaluated. Page limits specified for each section are binding; font size is not prescribed, but should be sufficiently large as to permit ease of reading.
The proposal shall be signed by an official authorized to bind the offeror’s organization, including all content contained within the offeror’s proposal. Proposals should be emailed to:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Proposals shall be emailed to Agency by:
Agency shall evaluate proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth in Attachment C of this RFP.
Offerors' proposals must disclose the technical approach in as much detail as possible, including, but not limited to, the requirements specified in Section 3.0 (Technical Proposal Format) of this attachment. In addition, offerors must comply with the requirements of Section 4.0 (Business Proposal Format and Instructions) of this attachment.
It is understood that the offeror’s proposal shall become part of the official contract file.
The RFP does not commit AGENCY to pay any cost for the preparation and submission of a proposal.
Technical Proposal Format
To facilitate technical proposal evaluation, the offeror shall submit a separate enclosure entitled,
Executive Summary
This section shall consist of a brief summary of the major elements of the offeror's proposal.
Understanding of Agency Mandate and Need for Contractual Services
This section should describe the offeror’s understanding of the types of analyses that they may conduct to support AGENCY’s work.
Proposed Personnel Qualifications
This section (in narrative form), together with the appendix (resumes), shall contain sufficient evidence to permit evaluation of the qualifications of the proposed project staff. For additional information, consult Attachment B, Evaluation Criteria for Award. The offeror must identify which staff members would work on which project types and in which subject matter areas.
In this section, the offeror shall discuss the qualifications of the proposed personnel; describe experience, education, specific scientific or technical accomplishments, highlighting how skills would align with the needs of the particular project types proposed and the relevant substantive areas. This information shall be provided for the project team members and, if included in the hypothetical task/project, additional personnel bid on that hypothetical task. The proposal shall include (in an appendix) resumes identifying the key professional personnel that shall be employed to perform the contract, including the IDIQ project manager and other staff available to work on IDIQ tasks.
Resumes contained within the Appendix should be no more than 4 pages each. Only publications, presentations, and previous work directly or indirectly relevant to this contract should be included.
In the IDIQ proposal, the offeror shall discuss the anticipated availability of known proposed personnel and how staff would be chosen and assigned to projects under the contract.
Management Plan
This section shall describe how the offeror plans to use project staff and corporate resources to complete task requests.
As appropriate, the offeror should describe the organization and management methods it will use in the technical management of the proposed project types under the contract. Similar to the technical approach, the description of this facet of the work should demonstrate an understanding of the nature of the tasks and potential problems and how issues will be identified in a timely manner and at the proper level of authority. Further, the management plan should describe the offeror's approach for working with AGENCY staff and how any consultants, if used, will be effectively integrated into a project.
The offeror's proposal should include a discussion of those processes and systems that will ensure valid deliverables that are satisfactorily completed within a project's time and cost projections.
The offeror shall disclose any known and/or perceived organizational conflicts of interest that have or may have the potential to impact work conducted for AGENCY under the terms of this IDIQ. For any known and/or perceived conflicts of interests identified, the offeror should provide a strategy for mitigating each identified conflict and eliminating any potential associated risks.
The offeror shall state whether or not acceptance of a contract for this project shall impact performance of other Government contracts. If YES, indicate the nature and extent of the impact.
The offeror shall state whether employees, on which estimates are based presently, are on the offeror's payroll and immediately available for this work. If not, state the number and kind of persons who would have to be hired and the arrangements made to obtain them.
The proposal must contain the names of the key staff responsible for the preparation of the proposal (e.g., the offeror's project manager for all tasks issued under the contract, or principals who will likely lead multiple tasks) and their expected time commitment to the contract. (This is distinct from the information requested in Section 2,
Hypothetical Project Proposal
This section should include a technical proposal in response to a hypothetical project selected by the offeror, including a brief contextual discussion, proposed technical approach, personnel qualifications and proposed staff, and a management plan and timeline for completion. In general, AGENCY issues task orders for the shortest amount of time feasible to complete a given project, not to exceed one year from date of issue of the task order.
The hypothetical project proposal may demonstrate competency in any of the five areas listed in Section 2.5: 1) Convening/soliciting information from experts/stakeholders (site visits, structured interviews, roundtables); 2) Environmental scans/information syntheses; 3) Policy and data analyses; 4) Conducting surveys and analyzing survey and/or administrative data; and 5) Modeling, actuarial analysis and payment simulations. Only one hypothetical proposal is required and it must show expertise and competency in at least one of these five areas.
The hypothetical project proposal must be relevant to AGENCY’s mandate (see for AGENCY’s authorizing legislation and its mandate). It should demonstrate the offeror’s understanding of studies they could conduct that are relevant to AGENCY policy and could inform recommendations that Commissioners could make to Congress, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the states as specified in our mandate.
The hypothetical project proposal should contain sections on, and will be scored on the following criteria: 1) relevance of the problem being addressed to AGENCY’s work; 2) technical approach; 3) management plan and 4) relevant experience of proposed staff. A staff loading chart with hours by task within the hypothetical project must be included. Failure to include the staff-loading chart will result in losing all points for the hypothetical project. A required separate cost estimate for the hypothetical project is described in section 4.0.
Organizational Qualifications and Past Performance
This section shall describe the offeror’s organizational experience with the skills, techniques, and substantive areas required to successfully complete the work described in this SOW. The offeror should also discuss its past performance with other government-related projects, particularly for agencies such as AGENCY. Projects may be used to document corporate experience in conducting projects in any of the five areas listed in section 2.5. A crosswalk of organizational qualifications and the areas listed in section 2.5 is not required but will assist in review of this section.
General background, experience, qualifications, and past performance of the offeror shall be furnished. In particular, examples of previous relevant experience shall be furnished to demonstrate the offeror’s capacity to fulfill the objectives of the Statement of Work.
This information shall include the names, addresses and phone numbers of contract and technical supervision officers. Experience may have been with federal or state government, commercial and/or nonprofit organizations.
As part of the appendix, offerors shall submit relevant AGENCY related work samples, prepared within the last three years, to illustrate relevant organizational qualifications and past performance.
Appendix: Resumes for all proposed professional personnel
There is no page limit for this section. However, note that each resume should not exceed four pages as stated in Section ii. Resumes should highlight relevant project experience in each of the applicable project types listed in section 2.5.
Business Proposal Format and Instructions
General Instructions
To facilitate proposal evaluation, the offeror shall submit as part of the proposal a separate enclosure entitled: Business Management and Cost/Price Proposal which presents the general proposed cost for completing the hypothetical project discussed in Section 5 of the offeror's technical proposal.
These instructions are to assist offerors in submitting information that is required to evaluate the reasonableness of the proposed cost/price. Compliance with these instructions is mandatory and failure to comply may render an offeror’s proposal ineligible for an award.
All information relating to an offeror’s proposed cost/price must be included in the section of the proposal designated as “Volume II, Business Management and Cost/Price Proposal”. Under no circumstances shall this cost/price data be included elsewhere in the proposal. Data beyond that required by these instructions shall not be submitted, unless it is considered essential to document or support the proposed costs/prices.
Note that unreasonably low or high proposed costs/prices, initially or subsequently submitted, may be grounds for eliminating a proposal from this source selection's competition. The elimination of a proposal will be based on either an offeror's lack of understanding of AGENCY's expressed requirement and/or the submittal of unreasonable costs/prices.
List any exceptions taken to the cost/price requirements stated herein and provide any cost/price assumptions. Offerors shall provide complete rationales for exceptions taken and assumptions made.
Volume Organization - The “Volume II, Business Management and Cost/Price Proposal” shall consist of the following sections:
Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms
Fully Burdened Labor Rate Schedule and Other Direct Costs
Exceptions/Assumptions and Rationales
Hypothetical Cost Estimates
Financial Statements
Pricing Information
The cost/price information for this source selection is limited to the submission of fully burdened firm fixed price (FFP) type hourly labor rates against all labor categories identified by the offeror, in response to Clause 1.3.2 of the contract, as well as indirect and profit rates applicable to Other Direct Costs (ODCs). Note however, that no fee or profit will be paid on material/travel/per diem costs.
The Labor Categories and Definitions provided in the technical proposal will be considered to meet the minimum labor qualification requirements for this source selection.
Fully burdened labor rates are defined as consisting of hourly base labor rates plus out-year escalations, applicable home office type indirect burden costs (fringe benefits, overhead, general & administrative), and profit. All fully burdened FFP labor rates shall be rounded to the nearest cent.
Only one fully burdened FFP labor rate for each labor category shall be inserted per team (either the prime Contractor's rate or a team member's rate) into the Fully Burdened Labor Rate Schedule.
Failure to propose labor rates for all labor categories will render an offeror's proposal incomplete and the entire proposal will be subject to rejection.
Fully burdened FFP labor rates shall be proposed based on the following assumptions: all labor categories and associated labor rates will be proposed in accordance with the Fully Burdened Labor Rate Schedule anticipated performance periods. The base contractual period of performance will begin October 1, 2015 and end September 30, 2020. The contractual period of performance for option periods 1 through 4 will begin October 1 annually and end September 30 annually. Only fully burdened FFP labor rates against associated labor categories per Fiscal Year shall be proposed. Travel and other expenses will be proposed at the task order level on cost- reimbursement basis (no fee or profit will be paid on reimbursements for travel and per diems). The indirect rates and profit rates applicable to ODCs will only be used for pricing future task orders.
Alterations to the Fully Burdened Labor Rate Schedule are not allowed. Offerors shall only insert their fully burdened FFP labor rates, indirects, profit rates, and labor category classifications.
Successful offerors' fully burdened FFP labor rates, indirects, and profit rates will be incorporated into resulting basic contracts as proposed against this source selection's Fully Burdened Labor Rate Schedule and will be used as maximum rates for pricing future competitive and non- competitive task orders.
Offerors will describe any exceptions, assumptions, and rationales for developing the Fully Burdened Labor Rate Schedule and Other Direct Costs, in response to Clause 1.3.2 of the contract.
Bid Price Proposals must be valid for at least ninety (90) calendar days as of the closing date of this RFP.
Financial Responsibility
Offerors shall provide the last three years of financial statements, and year-to-date financial information through the last quarter available. If audited, reviewed, compiled or certified financial statements are available, these shall be submitted.
Historical and year-to-date financial data shall be submitted and the ability to fund contract performance shall be addressed.
Attachment C - Evaluation Factors for Award
Award Criteria
AGENCY will perform separate technical and cost evaluations. The technical evaluation will be conducted in accordance with weighted technical criteria established and approved prior to receipt of proposals. This evaluation produces a numerical score (points). Cost proposals are evaluated to assess the reasonableness of the proposed costs and price and to determine the probable cost to AGENCY. Offerors are advised that paramount consideration will be given to the evaluation of technical proposals, rather than costs or price. To be selected for award, however, a proposal must be fairly and reasonably priced.
Proposals and corresponding content should be clearly labeled and organized to assist with AGENCY’s review. In addition to the criteria below, proposals will be evaluated for overall organization, formatting, and grammatical correctness as well as compliance with required page limits and all requirements included in Attachment B. For required content, offerors may appropriately and clearly reference other sections to assist reviewers with locating relevant material. Required content that is not referenced appropriately will not be considered.
Proposals will be evaluated to determine the offeror's ability to complete all technical requirements for performance. Any proposal that addresses only part of the technical requirements may not be considered fully responsive to AGENCY's technical needs and may not be accepted. AGENCY will evaluate proposals in accordance with the following technical evaluation criteria:
Understanding of the policy environment in which AGENCY works and the contractor’s role in supporting their work:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Proposed Personnel Qualifications:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Management Plan:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Hypothetical Project Proposal :
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Corporate Qualifications:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Questions Concerning the Request for Proposal
Questions regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP) must be submitted via email no later than::
Questions will be accepted until:
Responses to questions posed by offerors will be issued as an amendment to the solicitation.
Proposal Submission
Separate technical proposal and business management and cost/price proposals must be submitted in electronic format (either WORD or PDF) by no later than:
Proposals received after this date and time will be deemed late and not considered for award.
only .pdf
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