Solicitation Tool
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State - LA_Department of Health - RFI
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Proposal Due Date/Time:
File Number:
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Solicitation Number:
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Date of Issue:
RFI Title:
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Purpose of RFI:
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Purpose of RFI:
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The GOVERNMENT, acting through its agency or institution, division/section/district (GOVERNMENT) is soliciting information from potential bidders for :
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The information, data, comments, or reactions obtained may be used as research for a future solicitation. This RFI does not constitute and Invitation for Bid, Request for Proposal, or Informal Request for Bid or Proposal and is not to be construed as a commitment by GOVERNMENT.
GOVERNMENT will review all responses received. If GOVERNMENT decides to issue a solicitation for commodities or services, the procurement will be conducted in accordance with GOVERNMENT Procurement laws, rules and guidelines.
Contact and Response Information
The procurement officer is the point of contact for this RFI. Please submit responses to the procurement officer by the deadline specified in the RFI Schedule. Please reference the Solicitation Number and Title. You may submit your response in person, by mail, or by email to the procurement officer at:
Name of Entity or Agency:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Name of division, section or district:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Procurement Officer:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Solicitation Number and Title:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Mailing Address:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
City, State, Zip Code:
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Please enter proposal due date/time.
Assistance to Individuals with a Disability
Contact the procurement officer, as soon as possible, if an individual with a disability needs assistance with the RFI, including any events in the RFI Schedule, so reasonable accommodations can be made.
RFI Issued:
Deadline for Submission of Questions and Requests for Clarification by :
Amendment with Responses to Questions and Requests for Clarification issued approximately (if required):
Deadline for Submission of Responses by :
Questions and Requests for Clarification
Please submit any questions or requests for clarifications about this RFI in writing to the procurement officer by the deadline for submission of questions and requests for clarification identified in the RFI Schedule. Preferred method of submission is email.
Please direct any questions or requests for clarification to the procurement officer by the deadline for submission of responses identified in the RFI Schedule.
Notice Provided – GOVERNMENT Procurement Website
This RFI and any related amendment and notices will be posted on the GOVERNMENT Procurement Office website at:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
Notices related to this RFI will be sent to the Bidders List for the needed commodity or service and other known potential vendors.
Additionally, vendors may request to receive notices related to this RFI by contacting the procurement officer in writing with the following information: RFI title, business name, contact person, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, and email address.
Respondents Responsible for All Preparation Costs
Respondents are responsible for all costs associated with the preparation, submittal, and presentation of their response to this RFI.
GOVERNMENT and Bidders List Registration
Registration is not required to respond to this RFI.
If a formal competitive solicitation is issued, notice will be sent to approved bidders on the GOVERNMENT Bidders List and other known potential bidders. Individuals and business entities interested in being placed on the GOVERNMENT Bidders List must complete the registration process. For information on becoming a registered bidder, see :
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Disclosure of Information and Compliance with GOVERNMENT Open Records Laws
The GOVERNMENT has broad open records laws. All information submitted become the property of GOVERNMENT and may be returned only at GOVERNMENT’s option. All information is subject to GOVERNMENT Open Records Laws. Records are closed or confidential only if specifically stated in law.
Respondents may make a written request to hold confidential any trade secrets and other proprietary data contained in its response. Respondent must clearly identify the material considered confidential and explain why the material is confidential. See the GOVERNMENT Office of the Attorney General website for additional information. :
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If GOVERNMENT receives a request for public information, the procurement officer, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, shall determine whether the information is an exception to the GOVERNMENT Open Records Laws, and the information shall be processed accordingly.
Goal and Background Information
The Agency or Institution is requesting information to:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
The following background information is intended to help respondents understand the needs of the GOVERNMENT:
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Information Requesting
GOVERNMENT is requesting information to :
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Response Preparation Instructions
Respondents are asked to provide a response in the following format:
A. Introduction
Please provide
Contact name, phone number, and email
Business name, address, and phone number
B. Technical Response
Respondents are asked to provide the following information:
Information requested:
Please enter proposal due date/time.
C. Cost Estimate
Respondents are asked to provide estimated costs to help GOVERNMENT understand acquisition and on-going costs.
Any cost estimates requested are for budgeting purposes only. Responders will not be held to price estimates provided as part of the RFI should GOVERNMENT later decide to issue a competitive solicitation.
D. Enclosures
Respondents are asked to provide the following documentation list:
Enclosure 1:
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Enclosure 2:
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Enclosure 3:
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Enclosure 4:
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Enclosure 5 :
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Enclosure 6:
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Enclosure 7:
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Enclosure 8:
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